You can find the forms used for making claims in this case here (see the "Proof of Claim" form).
In other Chisholm court news, it was pointed out to me by several readers that the 14 day deadline I listed for Chisholm's reply to the Motion for Default should have been October 23, not October 21 as I have been saying. And this is true...October 9 plus 14 days does indeed equal October 23. However, despite my inability to solve complex mathematical problems like 9+14=x, the net result was the same: The 23rd came and went, just as the 21st did, and Chisholm failed to file the reply demanded by the court by that date.
So what happens next should be interesting...according to the court dockets for both the Bardfield and DeForest cases:
ACTION REQUIRED BY MAGISTRATE JUDGE: Chambers of MAGISTRATE JUDGE ELIZABETH M TIMOTHY notified that action is needed Re: Order, - - No response to MOTION for Entry of Default Judgment as to DEFENDANT JOHNNY CHISHOLM. (cbj) (Entered: 10/26/2009)Like I posted earlier, this should result in a default being entered against Chisholm personally...but whatever happens, hopefully we won't have to wait too long to find out.
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