[This is Part Two of the Timeline project begun here. I made some changes to Part 1 as new information became available, the most noteworthy being revisions to the April 21, 2005 entry and the June 11, 2008 entry, both dealing with the source of the money Chisholm used to purchase the weekend back in 2005. How this fits into the 2009 debacle can be seen in the May 20, 2009 entry below. With the reallocation of funds earmarked for later investors to pay off earlier investors, you can begin to see why the plaintiffs in the Chisholm civil cases have often referred to his business enterprises as "ponzi type schemes" in their legal filings.
I'll merge the two timeline posts into one once this blog comes to an end. Ah yes, the end. My intent all along has been to conclude this blog once all the cases related to the events surrounding OMW 2009 are adjudicated (both existing now and in the future, both civil and criminal). As I've said here before, I have no desire to follow any new Chisholm litigation unrelated to OMW. To adopt a contrary policy would probably doom me to writing this blog forever.
And this end may come sooner or later, depending on whether these recent plaintiff default motions are granted, and/or whether criminal charges are filed in the wake of the civil cases. We shall see...]
January 2009: Being deeply in debt to both Disney and Universal Orlando, it seems Chisholm found himself at the start of the year short of funds to put on OMW 2009. A traditional bank loan probably wasn't an option due to his two pending bankruptcies. So, in order to raise capital Chisholm needed to find private “investors” to finance OMW, as he did when he found the unfortunate Ray DeForest in 2007.
And in January, one of his “representatives” at JustCircuit managed to find two such likely targets: Stephen Bardfield of New York and Charles Carver of North Carolina. See here for all the details on this initial solicitation, but long story short: JustCircuit "approached the victims regarding obtaining some funds for the production" of OMW, and "portrayed Johnny Chisholm...as...a renowned expert in the party-promoting business.".
What JustCircuit didn't tell them, obviously, was that they were all part of a big happy group of "FRIENDS in dispute with FRIENDS" and that one of these friends, Ray DeForest, was suing Johnny Chisholm for fraud. This failure to inform plaintiffs of the 2007 fraud case would later constitute a key element of the 2009 fraud case (see next entry).
January 31, 2009: Bardfield and Carver naturally wanted more information about the state of Chisholm's finances before investing. In response to this request, JustCircuit apparently arranged for a "Personal Financial Statement" (PFS) of Johnny Chisholm to be sent to the victims on January 31, 2009. See here for more details on this PFS and it “multiple false representations,” including the failure to mention the DeForest case under the "Liabilities" for "Legal Claims" line, and answering the "Are you a defendant in any suits or legal action?" question with a "NO."
February 18, 2009: As the opening sentences of this email seem to indicate, this was the first day Johnny Chisholm and the victims were in direct contact with each other (ie, without JustCircuit as an “intermediary”):

Both the past and projected ticket sale claims in this email would later prove to be false.
Additionally, up to this point Chisholm had directly (and indirectly, through JustCircuit) made the following verbal representations to the victims:
- Described the 2009 OMW schedule as:
- Friday: Beach Ball at “Disney’s Typhoon Lagoon;”
- Saturday: One Mighty Party at “Disney Studios Theme Park;”
- Sunday: All Stars Deep Blue Party at “Universal Studios;”
- Continually heralded Chisholm as a man with “close ties with Walt Disney World” and a “unique relationship based on years of trust.”
- And that Chisholm needed $200,000 to finalize payment to Disney for the venues listed above, because typically “he runs short of funds before the events” but he “always has plenty of money…to pay off debts” afterwards.
All of the above representations would later turn out to be false.
February 19, 2009: Bardfield and Carver agree in principle to make the loan:

February 20, 2009: Chisholm signs a promissory note, an addendum, and a personal guarantee, promising to pay back to Bardfield and Carver a total of $240,000 in exchange for a $200,000 loan. Repayment was to be made monthly upon receipt of credit card sales (25% of which was pledged) with the balance due immediately after the parties:

March 18, 2009: After Bardfield and Carver wired the promised $200,000 directly to Disney…Disney without explanation wired it back to them. Chisholm claimed that this was due to the funds not having come from Chisholm Properties Circuit Events, with whom Disney had a previous business relationship.
March 19, 2009: In order to avoid a repeat of yesterday’s alleged wiring problem, Chisholm asked Bardfield and Carver in the future to wire the funds to him, and he would then immediately wire them to Disney.
March 23, 2009: Chisholm asked Bardfield and carver to put up an additional $100,000 to "seal the deal" on the Disney venues. This was the first time Chisholm indicated that the original $200,000 loan did not “seal the deal on Disney."

March 24, 2009: Bardfield and Carver opt NOT to put up the extra requested $100,000. In addition, they worriedly ask Chisholm if this increased deposit demand meant the Disney venues were in jeopardy. Chisholm reassured them that Disney would be secure, their investment would be safe, and that he would let them know once he had worked it all out with Disney:

March 25, 2009: Chisholm asked Bardfield and Carver if they could cover the $50,000 shortfall alluded to in the email above. Once again, Bardfield and Carver decline.

March 30, 2009: Chisholm informed Bardfield and Carver by email that he had “worked it out with Disney” and gave them the wiring instructions to his account. Just to be SURE, however, Carver phoned Chisholm, and asked whether he was CERTAIN everything was worked out, and that their funds would be immediately forwarded to Disney...and Chisholm said assured him on both counts. Based on these assurances...Bardfield and Carver wired Johnny Chisholm $200,000.

April 3, 2009: The first reports began circulating that One Mighty Weekend parties would not be happening at Disney Resort venues this year:

Shocked and horrified, Bardfield and Carver began desperately trying to contact Johnny Chisholm to ascertain the status of the events, without success until almost the end of the month (see April 26, 2009 entry).
April 13, 2009: Of course, all this time the DeForest case is being litigated quietly (ie, unbeknownst to Bardfield and Carver) behind the scenes, with both parties engaged in discovery (ie, depositions, interrogatories, subpoenas of documents, etc...). And on this day DeForest makes the first of two motions to compel Chisholm to provide documents. Excuses given by Chisholm for his failure to provide the requested documents include a computer crash, and a claim Chisholm maintained a "paperless work environment:"

April 16, 2009: "Attendees will be pleased with the results..." This was the first utterance in a major JustCircuit campaign of damage control on behalf of Chisholm, which included not only propaganda in the guise of news stories on their main site, but numerous defensive comments by the site owners on Facebook and other sites (many of which were later self-deleted), as well as venomous ad hominem attacks leveled against OMW critics by the site owners masquerading as an anti-Semitic drag queen:
DISNEY UPDATE: Johnny Chisholm responds to One Mighty Weekend rumors
Orlando, April 16 11:00AM -- In a phone call to JustCircuit this morning, One Mighty Weekend promoter Johnny Chsiholm addressed recent rumors which have caused concern from some who follow One Mighty Weekend events. In recent days, certain venues have been removed from the One Mighty Weekend website and rumors immediately begain circulating about One Mighty Weekend's possible "demise". "Not the case at all" states Chisholm. "We have been in contract negotiations with venues in Orlando, and are now in the process of signing contracts. We wanted to wait until all of our contracts were finalized before making our announcements. Those venues on our website are already finalized, including our host hotel which is on Disney property and our afterhours venue." This announcement is schedule shortly. "Attendees will be pleased with the results," Chisholm promises, "and everyone will be informed of any changes when contracts are finalized." JustCircuit has received many inquiries from concerned individuals over the past week, many fueled from rumors which were begun in Orlando by certain antagonists of Chisholm's efforts at Disney who were apparently aware of the ongoing negotiations. JustCircuit will continue to monitor all news from Orlando and make that information immediately available as soon as it is available to us.
April 21, 2009: Chisholm responds to Deforest's discovery complaint by claiming that “seven pounds worth of documents” were just mailed two days earlier from his heretofore paperless work environment, thus making the motion moot.
These “seven pounds worth of documents” would be found wanting, leading to a second motion to compel (see May 29, 2009 entry):

Also on this day, another Chisholm-owned company, Chisholm Properties of Pensacola, files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. This is the third of what will eventually become four simultaneous Chisholm bankruptcies of 2009-2010.
April 22, 2009: The domain "http://www.letsgoplay2009.com/" is registered with GoDaddy.com, by a previously unknown group of Florida investors with no known party-producing history or experience. Ironically, they will end up producing Friday's Typhoon Lagoon party, the only 2009 party held at a Disney theme park, and easily the most successful event of the weekend. See here for more on the timeline progression of this mysterious company's birth and maturation.

April 26, 2009: Back to the Bardfield case...Finally (see April 3, 2009 entry), in a "flippant" reply Chisholm informed Bardfield and Carver that he had in fact not secured the Disney venues, as previously represented. And instead of returning the $200,000, he had used his “discretion” in applying it towards the procurement of alternate venues and new talent.
April 27, 2009: "I promise you’ll be impressed again this year..." Chisholm officially revealed to the world in this press release his lack of theme park venues for One Mighty Weekend 2009:
"Sixteen years ago, a vision to bring amazing events to the “Gay Day” weekend took shape with our creation of One Mighty Party. We work all year long to bring a fun, exciting and memory-filled weekend to thousands of attendees of One Mighty Weekend. Despite the obstacles associated with this year’s big financial downturn, which has hit every single one of us, our production team is pleased to bring you One Mighty Weekend once again this year – with some events in new locations but most in familiar locations! Only today, Monday, April 27 at 3:00PM have we signed our last and final venue contract. I certainly regret not having this information to you sooner, as it has been my intent to make all the information available to you at one time and in one announcement. As a token of our appreciation for your understanding, all ticket holders and pass holders alike will receive a $15.00 beverage coupon for each of the three main events – Beach Ball “Luau,” One Mighty Party “City After Dark” and All Stars “Deep Blue World.” Magic Journeys, voted by Just Circuit as “2008’s Best After-Hours Party of the Year,” One Mighty Party, voted by Edge New York as 2008’s “Best National Party” and One Mighty Weekend, voted by Edge New York as “2008’s Best National Party Weekend,” you can once again expect over-the-top performances and a visual extravaganza this year! You’ve been impressed with our parties in the past and I promise you’ll be impressed again this year as we present to you “One Mighty Weekend 2009” … your One Mighty Weekend!"That "$15.00 beverage coupon" was meant as compensation for having the three main parties downgraded from theme parks to hotels:
"BEACH BALL “ LUAU” (“Get lei’d and get wet!”) • Friday, June 5th, 2009And on the same day as this announcement, the "www.envibeorlando.com" domain was registered (see April 28, 2009 entry):
The lush tropical nighttime setting at the Buena Vista Palace Hotel sets the stage for the first ever “Beach Ball-Luau”! Grab your coconuts and your hula skirt and get ready to shake it to the world’s hottest tracks with DJ Joe Gauthreaux. Dance among the stars and under a canopy of light and sound as the sights and sounds of the tropics fill the night air.
Tickets are limited so get yours today for this first ever event!
ONE MIGHTY PARTY “CITY AFTER DARK” • Saturday, June 6th, 2009
Amidst a 60,000 square foot space of concrete and steel at the Gaylord Palms Resort, join us for a sensory explosion of lights, sights and sounds in the “City After Dark”. Extreme stunt performers catapult themselves up, over and through the buildings of the cityscape while DJ Roland Belmares is perched above on a rooftop spinning today’s hottest dance beats.
ALL STARS “DEEP BLUE WORLD” • Sunday, June 7th, 2009
You’ve been dazzled in the past with shows like FREEZERBURN and RUNWAY, and now the production teams responsible for those shows transport you into a “Deep Blue World”. Immerse yourself into the depths of the sea as DJ Abel and DJ Ralphi Rosario, aka Rosabel, transport you into the depths of a world unknown inside the Empire Ballroom at the Buena Vista Palace Hotel."

April 28, 2009: Several events of note occured on this day. First, another email exchange between Bardfield/Carver and Chisholm. After Bardfield and Carver expressed their dissatisfaction with his "exercise of discretion" (see April 26, 2009 entry), Chisholm sent this further reply:

Second, a public relations Armageddon ensued in the wake of the Chisholm press release of the day before. Gay Days attendees nationwide (many stuck with nonrefundable airline and hotel tickets for the weekend) exploded in an orgy of online indignation, with posts like these being typical examples:

Third, Tony Hayden at The Circuit Dog reported on the pandemonium occuring at the Buena Vista Palace that day, the host hotel for OMW:

Fourth, DJs Manny Lehman, Alyson Calagna, and Mike Cruz, disgusted at what seemed an obvious bait-and-switch swindle of their loyal fans, decided for that they could not in good conscience work for Johnny Chisholm in these circumstances. So, they contracted to spin for EnVibe Entertainment, rather than for OMW as planned. EnVibe would become the first of many hastily-formed party entities attempting to salvage the weekend for consumers in the wake of the Chisholm venue disaster.
Fifth, here's JustCircuit's version of the day's news ("Three DJs have defected...to the upstart events..."):
04/28/2009 07:53 PMAnd lastly, this day marked the beginning of JustCircuit's campaign of ruthless censorship of any post on their site even remotely critical of Johnny Chisholm:
In an unofficial announcement, EnVibe Entertainment, a company run by Miami-based Steve Milo, has created EnVibe Orlando, set to compete with One Mighty Weekend events during Gay Day Orlando events. Three DJs from the One Mighty Weekend events have defected to the upstart events. DJs Manny Lehman and Alyson Calagna have defected the traditional One Mighty Weekend after many years of friendship with its promoter Johnny Chisholm. Calagna claimed her decision was "best for my career" refusing to play a smaller venue as other DJs had agreed to do during this year's downsizing. Calagna was a regular at Chisholm's OZ nightclub in New Orleans and other Chisholm events for years. Lehman has been unavailable for comment. In a letter from George Dellinger, manager of both Lehman and the third defecting DJ Mike Cruz, the switch was said to be a result of Chisholm's not paying a deposit via a credit-card system, despite having been confirmed and advertised for six months. All DJs are reportedly receiving top dollar to make the change. It is also highly suggested on some discussion boards that Victor Calderone has been secured for the Universal Hard Rock Colosseum venue for Sunday, June 7, but JustCircuit has been unable to confirm the booking.
Other DJs connected to EnVibe Orlando are DJ Brett Henrichsen, who turned down working for Johnny Chisholm because he did not feel he should have to split an evening with David Knapp at Arabian Knights during this year's One Mighty Weekend and had planned his own events as seen on his website prior to taking down the announcement. Henrichsen is also selling tickets to the event via his ticket sales website.
It is unclear whether former Gay Day Weekend promoter Mark Baker is openly involved in the event as is speculated by various Facebook postings from those close to his operation. Some have referred to him as a "silent" partner due to his continuing, unexpired non-compete clause signed with Chisholm upon Chisholm's purchase of Baker's Gay Day Orlando interests. The deal was reportedly a multi-million dollar deal.
Many DJs had been contacted by Baker in the past months, refusing to agree to drop their relationship and contractual obligations with Chisholm's One Mighty Weekend. Parties planned by the EnVibe Oraldno events include "Alyson in Wonderland", "Fasscination" (spelling misspelled; as per referenced website) and "Deliverance Act 1: Rise Up and Act 2: Evolve."
Visit www.envibeorlando.com for more information on these events.

April 29, 2009: Almost immediately, OMW is swamped with refund requests from dissatisfied customers; so much so that their email systems apparently begin to overflow:

April 30, 2009: "[Y]ou may be confusing "discretion" [with] obtaining money fraudulently..." Their dissatisfaction unabated, Bardfield and Carver threaten legal action, "both civilly and criminal to recover the $200,000.":

And "...a well organized spin machine has delivered non-stop negative information in an attempt to discredit Johnny Chisholm...as claims of fraud...have arisen...", as JustCircuit writes:
04/30/2009 11:43 PM...a story which prompted observations elsewhere around the internet such as this one:
Orlando, April 30: Exclusive: It was revealed to JustCircuit today that enVibe Orlando, a weekend of events set to compete directly with One Mighty Weekend during Gay Day Weekend in Orlando, has been refused venues for its events, thus delaying by 24-hours a scheduled major announcement.
Midnight tonight was the original time set for announcing parties and venues. Yesterday, it was learned that Disney's Typhoon Lagoon and Disney's Hollywood Studios would NOT be made available to enVibe events and promoters today scrambled to secure alternative venues around Orlando. Publicly, Miami promoter and former Disney employee Steve Milo and reportedly former Gay Day Weekend promoter Mark Baker have been working with West Coast DJ Brett Henrichsen to create events which would draw traffic from the award-winning One Mighty Weekend, held June 5-7 this year. Sources close to Baker reveal that the Universal Hard Rock Colosseum has been secured for DJ Victor Calderone, although multiple attempts to secure the Disney venues have repeatedly failed. Baker, said to still be under a non-compete clause he agreed to in arrangements made during his multi-million dollar sale to Chisholm five years ago, legally keep him from promoting any events during the Gay Day Weekend. His attempts to make an early return also appear to be in violation of that agreement.
Baker has been criticized in the past for a failed Hard Rock Colosseum Party a few years back in which fire marshals shut down admittance to ticketed individuals, due to capacity violations. Some of the same people criticizing Chisholm today were criticizing Baker following the Colosseum Party failure due to delays in announcing refunds for those denied admission. An announcement was made a few weeks following the incident giving instructions on how to receive a refund. In one of his final productions, Baker moved the much adored Stars party away from Universal Studios and into the Orange County Convention Center in it's third year. Both parties eventually were retired and never regained their top-tier status.
In recent days, a well organized spin machine has delivered non-stop negative information in an attempt to discredit Chisholm, those who work for him as well as cross-promotional partners and sponsors of One Mighty Weekend. Chisholm's downsizing of two events typically held in local theme parks has been the hot topic for a week, as claims of fraud and even "counterfeit" have arisen despite Chishom's open offer for refunds from those who purchased passes in previous months. Chisholm's forced renegotiation for venues to house the Friday Beach Ball and Saturday One Mighty Party were the result of last-minute price elevations from the host parks. The final venue was contracted last Monday at 3PM EDT with a full announcement made immediately.
DJs Alyson Calagna and Manny Lehman were among three DJs who severed ties with Chisholm this week, reportedly being paid much higher prices to abandon their agreements with One Mighty Weekend and defect to enVibe Orlando events. All DJs have been advertised for nearly six months, with some holding only verbal agreements as in past years. Some DJs have traditionally held verbal agreements with Chisholm for seventeen years.
Despite a promised announcement, visitors to the website for enVibe Orlando have seen a countdown clock which was reset 24-hours tonight, now making the announcement time Midnight Friday. Stay tuned to JustCircuit.com, the world's leader in everything Circuit, for news and information on One Mighty Weekend and enVibe Orlando events.

May 1, 2009: Chisholm failed to pay the scheduled 25% of ticket sales installment to Bardfield and Carver, in accordance with their note (see entry for February 20, 2009).
But Chisholm did find the time to email JustCircuit this "Q&A" addressing the venue crisis:
05/01/2009 02:21 PM...and there was also this example of JustCircuit journalism in action:
Pensacola, FL, May 1: The following message was sent to JustCircuit by One Mighty Weekend founder Johnny Chisholm and includes a Q&A answering some of the most common questions currently being asked by interested attendees to this year's events, scheduled in Orlando June 4-7:
Much has transpired in the past few weeks that caused some concerns and questions from those planning to attend One Mighty Weekend events, which will take place June 4-7 in Orlando. In the coming weeks, we will be discussing this year’s changes with you and will continue to move forward with our goals to guarantee that your One Mighty Weekend will be fun, exciting and memorable as always. Thank you to all who have taken the time to ask the questions! Your interest proves your continued love for the weekend. The weekend is truly favored by so many from around the world. We will make it One Mighty Weekend!
Johnny Chisholm
Q. What happened to the venues used for last year’s One Mighty Weekend?
No one expected the economy to become so bad this year. Near the end of venue negotiations, and prior to signing any contracts, we were made aware of price increases that required us to renegotiate our venues. We were able to continue the parties on Friday and Saturday night in a way that we felt would allow the party to continue without simply cancelling the events. The Beach Ball Luau will be held at the Buena Vista Palace host hotel this year and One Mighty Party will be held at the Gaylord Palms. Both events will feature more production that we believe you will simply love!
Q. What can we expect for the price at the new events? Why has the price not been reduced considerably?
Adding production to the evening events, including indoor fireworks, performances and visuals will make your experience memorable. The ticket price will still be lower than comparable events held in other cities. We know how some regard events held in hotel ballrooms and we have begun to make One Mighty Party unlike any you’ve ever seen in the past.
We are lowering the price of the ticket by offering a $15.00 beverage voucher to those who attend the Beach Ball Luau, One Mighty Party and the All Stars Party. Effectively, this overall cost reduction lowers the price of admission, even for those early bird purchases that were already discounted below the ticket cost, dropping your price considerably while adding production value.
Q. Why the delay on announcing details?
Negotiations continued until Monday, April 27 at 3:00PM when our last venue was contractually signed. It was our desire to give you all the information at once so that you could consider the entire package, which includes venues familiar and new alike. The late changes were unforeseen and we announced our changes the moment the weekend’s venues were 100% confirmed. We have never had to renegotiate the terms at such a late date, but we were able to work out agreements which will offer you what we believe will be a fun, memorable choice for our attendees. We have delighted tens of thousands of attendees to our events over the past sixteen years and we are now working around the clock to deliver again this year, despite a few last-minute venue changes.
JustCircuit is a proud long-time sponsor of One Mighty Weekend and Johnny Chisholm events.
Friday, May 1: Sources close to enVibe productions have revealed to JustCircuit some of the production details from the delayed announcement regarding events, rescheduled for Midnight tonight. Venues secured for enVibe Orlando events set to compete against the award-winning One Mighty Weekend June 5-7 include Dolly Parton's Dixie Stampede venue as well as a parking lot in Disney's Swan Hotel. Reportedly, the outdoor venue in the "Goofy Golf" parking lot of the Swan will include several 18-wheeler rigs positioned in a circle, with graphics, lasers and lights displayed on the sides of the rigs.May 2, 2009: Public outrage continues to mount over JustCircuit's censorship policy:
The delayed announcement from enVibe is scheduled tonight at Midnight. The delay is said to be as a result of the inability of the producers to secure a venue for their events. For more information on the event, visit www.envibeorlando.com. Tickets are available via DJ Brett Henrichsen's CircuiTicket.com website for enVibe events. Visit www.onemightyweekend.com for information and tickets to events scheduled.

...as well as their selective reporting tendencies:

May 5, 2009: A period of frantic emailing between Chisholm, Chisholm's attorney Bruce Fehr, and Bardfield/Carver begin, with Chisholm blaming the missed 25% of sales payment (see May 1, 2009 entry above) on the credit card companies. (however, see May 20, 2009 entry, below). In addition, Chisholm and Fehr attempt to placate Bardfield and Carver with various offers of security interests (including at one point an illusory offer of a mortgage on real estate in Pensacola that was actually in bankruptcy):

Also this day, Chisholm files a harassment suit in Escambia County (Florida) Court to silence Ron Anthony ("Tony") Hayden of TheCircuitDog.com, which was practically the only web site providing honest coverage of the Chisholm/Disney venue collapse during this period.
"Refunds were promptly offered by One Mighty Weekend..." In a story headlined "Cancel My Cancellation!" JustCircuit writes:
Orlando, May 5: In a recent development, it was revealed that One Mighty Weekend ticket sales have now begun to increase. Also, calls have been received from ticket holders now wishing to “cancel the cancellation” that they requested just days ago. Changes to familiar venues for Friday and Saturday night events were met by two weeks of heavy public discussion and sometimes brutal criticism by potential attendees who had pre-purchased tickets for the weekend. Refunds were promptly offered by One Mighty Weekend. Events had been advertised for months at two area theme parks used by promoter Johnny Chisholm and others as in previous years but last minute renegotiations due mostly to a troubled economy required new venues for the two events. Other venues during the weekend, including House of Blues and the award-winning Magic Journeys after hours at Arabian Nights remain unchanged. Reunion pool parties will return again this year to the Buena Vista Palace "host" hotel.May 6, 2009: This email is sent from Fehr to Bardfield/Carver. In addition to repeating the claim that the credit card company was to blame for the missed May 1 payment (however, see May 20, 2009 entry, below), it mentions that Bardfield/Carver were meeting with DeForest's attorneys that day (one can only imagine how distressing this news must have been to Chisholm when he learned of it). It also describes the harassment lawsuit filed to silence Tony Hayden, due to the fact that he "publishes everything about the [DeForest] suit on his website."
In a call by JustCircuit to the One Mighty Weekend headquarters in Pensacola, Florida, promoter Johnny Chisholm also promised to continue his tradition of providing a good time despite the last-minute venue changes. “Our guests have seen the events we have provided them in past years,” Chisholm stated. “They have no reason to expect anything less than an amazing time, with added productions and incredible visual experiences planned for this year. We are thrilled to continue to bring some of the best parties to what is perhaps the favorite weekend of the year.” Chisholm and One Mighty Weekend events have won numerous awards from a variety of media sources, including multiple JustCircuit Awards™ which are determined my readers of JustCircit.com, including “2008 Best Overall Circuit Weekend” and “2008 Promoter/Producer of the Year” for Chisholm.
Just this weekend, producers of enVibe Orlando events officially announced two new parties in Orlando area nightclubs set to compete against Chisholm’s One Mighty Weekend on June 6th and June 7th. According to the enVibe Orlando website, Saturday’s party at Orlando’s Club Destiny will feature DJs Manny Lehman and Mike Cruz and Sunday’s party at Universal’s Hard Rock club will feature DJs Brett Henrichsen and Alyson Calagna. Herichsen, also owns CircuiTicket.com which will sell tickets beginning May 6 for enVibe events. Henrichsen was not part of the original One Mighty Weekend lineup of DJs. DJs Manny Lehman, Mike Cruz and Alyson Calagna defected from Chisholm’s lineup following many months advertised as part of the weekend's lineup. A variety of reasons were offered for their defections. Both Calagna and Lehman have for years headlined past Chisholm events. “I wish them well," was Chisholm's only comment.
JustCircuit is a proud sponsor of One Mighty Weekend. Follow JustCircuit.com as we bring you news and updates on One Mighty Weekend and enVibe Orlando events as they become available.
The cat was completely out of the bag at this point, it would seem:

May 7, 2009: "If you filed a lawsuit...we could drag the thing on for months." More carrot-and-stick emails from Chisholm attorney Fehr to Bardfield and Carver, desperately promising their money back after the event, and threatening a scorched earth legal strategy if they decide to sue:

Also, more reports of problems from people trying to get promised ticket refunds from Chisholm begin to circulate online:

And the South Florida Blade published this article on the unfolding scandal.
May 9, 2009: The website "www.letsgoplay2009.com" goes online, announcing the new Friday party at Typhoon Lagoon (but not much else). More info would be forthcoming in a later press release (see May 12, 2009 entry).
May 10, 2009: "Typhoon Lagoon was passed over by ... Johnny Chisholm ... when the ... venue contract ... changed..." JustCircuit writes:
Last minute negotiations have secured Disney’s Typhoon Lagoon water park for unknown promoter; “Let’s Go Play” party on Friday during Gay Day weekend raises eyebrows
05/10/2009 11:00 AM
Wilton Manors, FL: Disney’s Typhoon Lagoon, for years home to One Mighty Weekend’s Beach Ball, has been secured by an unknown producer for Friday, June 5. The Wilton Manors, FL address listed as the headquarters for the event is home to an investment company. Other venues in the Orlando area were being sought by another promoter, only identified as “Jeff” in other locations during the week. Typhoon Lagoon was passed over by One Mighty Weekend promoter Johnny Chisholm this year in a much-publicized renegotiation when the multi year/multi venue contract, which included 2010 payment terms, changed and were not acceptable to Chisholm. Chisholm’s Beach Ball Luau will replace this year’s event at Disney's Typhoon Lagoon instead and will be held at the Buena Vista Palace Resort and Spa host hotel, also in the Downtown Disney area.
JustCircuit.com, also based in Wilton Manors, FL, a suburb of Fort Lauderdale, visited the address listed on the Let’s Go Play website on Friday, finding only a closed investment office at the address. Tickets for the event are scheduled to go on sale Tuesday, May 12 via the Let’s Go Play shopping cart and will be $69.00. The event promises to present “Our Favorite Party DJ” as well as a cash bar and food outlets, with an open wave pool and water slides. It was noted that all ticket sales were “final and non-refundable” to the event.
Stay tuned to JustCircuit.com, your #1 Circuit information website, as we continue to update you with breaking information from events during Gay Day Orlando 2009.
May 11, 2009: Worry and angst over the failure of Chisholm to follow though on promised ticket refunds continues to mount:

While JustCircuit seems to have forgotten about their avowed "...we stay OUT of the legal, because the courts will decide the outcome" editorial policy today:
No more Mr. Nice Guy! Johnny Chisholm answers “TheCircuitDog’s” two-year campaign to discredit One Mighty Weekend with lawsuit claiming “defamation, misuse of image”; asks for injunctive relief and damages “greater than $15K”
05/11/2009 11:09 AM
Orlando, FL: EXCLUSIVE: For nearly two years, award-winning promoter Johnny Chisholm, founder of One Mighty Weekend during Gay Day weekend in Orlando, has been under attack, both personally and professionally, by self-proclaimed “Circuit watch dog” Tony Hayden, aka "The Circuit Dog. " Hayden, an Orlando-area hairdresser, is best known most recently for his “me-ality” series which was focused on Hayden’s own, everyday life in a series of videos with Hayden presented in a one-man show.
On Saturday, May 9, Hayden was served papers at his home in the Orlando area as the result of an Escambia County, FL lawsuit filed by Chisholm which claims defamation and misuse of image. Chisholm is also asking for damages “greater than $15,000” from Hayden. The full complaint can be viewed BY CLICKING HERE. An emergency hearing is scheduled to take place soon to hear the complaint from both sides.
JustCircuit.com and other sponsors and promotional partners have also been under attack by Hayden, who Hayden claims are “aiding and embedding [spelling incorrect] counterfeiting” by sponsoring and promoting the upcoming One Mighty Weekend events June 4-7. His efforts to undermine the weekend have included calling certain sponsors to pressure them to drop their sponsorship. Hayden has also suggested Chisholm was guilty of fraud and posted letters from Walt Disney World written in 2004 to Chisholm before his takeover of events from a recently resurfaced promoter Mark Baker. The multi-million dollar takeover of Baker’s events by Chisholm included a “non-compete” clause preventing Baker from promoting any Gay event for several years. The non-compete clause of the agreement is reportedly still in effect for at least two more years. Baker has returned to the Gay Day weekend this year, however, and is actively promoting the Mona Lisa Hotel, host hotel for competitive enVibe Orlando events.
JustCircuit.com is a proud sponsor of One Mighty Weekend events and will be providing coverage all weekend long beginning June 4. Stay tuned to the #1 website for everything Circuit for continuous updates and information as it becomes available.
May 12, 2009: Lets Go Play! issues it's first press release on the Typhoon Lagoon party:
"Orlando, May 12: Press Release: Don't believe everything you hear…the magical Friday night party at Disney's Typhoon Lagoon Water Park is ON. Now known as Let’s Go Play! this year’s bash produced by East Gate Events will be held on Friday Night, June 5, 2009.May 13, 2009: Popular gay blogger Joe.My.God. publishes a post about the ensuing Chisholm fiasco entitled "Less Gay Days: One Mighty Weekend Booted From Disney World".
Coinciding with the largest gay and lesbian vacation weekend of the year, this lively event brings together over 5,500 gay men and women from all over the world. Orlando area locals, as well as those visiting from out of town, will meet, mix and mingle in a private event inside Disney’s premier water park. Let’s Go Play! where skimpy bathing suits, wave pools, and water slides bring out the heat of the night.
Running for six straight hours, from 8:00 pm to 2:00 am, this wild night offers everything from dancing under the stars and cash-bar cocktails to surfing in the wave pool and plunging down water slides. Those that have been in the past will tell you… "it's one of the best events of the weekend." Bring some old friends and meet some new friends.
Tickets are available for $69 beginning May 13, 2009.
For more information go to www.letsgoplay2009.com.
Let's Go Play! is honored to donate 10% of net proceeds to charity. The main recipient is the Hope and Help Center of Central Florida, Inc. (www.hopeandhelp.org), who do an amazing job throughout metro Orlando and Central Florida."
"Chisholm revealed to JustCircuit that just over 100 ticket refund requests have been made ... Of those ... 35 have now called ... to “cancel their cancellations”..." JustCircuit writes:
Missed deadlines, unconfirmed venues raise doubt and confusion about competitive events during Gay Day Weekend; Numbers of One Mighty Weekend ticket refund requests revealedMeanwhile, the actions of Johnny Chisholm and the editorial policies of JustCircuit continue to provoke reactions like these:
05/13/2009 04:11 PM
Orlando, May 13: Continuous postponements of scheduled ticket sales and questions about venues for events connected to enVibe Orlando have now begun to drive UP ticket sales for One Mighty Weekend, the Johnny Chisholm produced events taking place during the same time during Gay Day weekend June 5-7 in Orlando, Florida. JustCircuit’s calls to Universal’s Hard Rock Live were met by a confused staff, who knew nothing about the scheduled June 7 enVibe Orlando event “Alyson in Wonderland” featuring One Mighty Weekend defection DJ Alyson Calagna and DJ Brett Henrichsen, owner of both Masterbeat.com and CircuiTicket.com. Destiny Nightclub in Orlando, currently features OMW defections DJs Manny Lehman and Mike Cruz on the enVibe website and as a Shawn N Paul produced event. GayDayReborn.com now shows Manny Lehman at Disney’s Pleasure Island on Saturday, June 6 and not at Destiny Nightclub with no sign of DJ Mike Cruz in the line-up.
In another strange development, JustCircuit’s calls to CircuiTicket.com, the ticket outlet selling tickets to enVibe Orlando with ticket sales stated to begin “May 11”, were met with additionally confusing answers. Originally told to refer “to the One Mighty Party website” to get enVibe ticket information, but following being placed on hold, the caller was then told that the tickets “would most likely be on sale later in the week” as the producers hadn’t yet given information regarding ticket sales.
JustCircuit on Tuesday spoke with Michael Christ, promoter for “Let’s Go Play 2009” who assured us he was a not partner with any other organization during the weekend. It was revealed today that GayDayS.com is indeed partnered with the event and that 10% of proceeds will now go to benefit Hope & Health, a local HIV/AIDS charity. Christ revealed that the event had Disney’s support and that Disney was responsible for the “Let’s Go Play 2009” website design. Tickets are now on sale.
One Mighty Weekend promoter Johnny Chisholm has received criticism from his competitors and critics over the past two weeks for his decision to change the location of two of his 10 scheduled One Mighty Weekend events. Friday’s Beach Ball Luau was relocated from Disney’s Typhoon Lagoon and One Mighty Party was relocated from Disney’s Hollywood Studios theme park just last month. Typhoon Lagoon was passed over by Chisholm this year in a much-publicized renegotiation that was required when the multi year/multi venue contract, which included 2010 payment terms, changed and were not acceptable to Chisholm. Typhoon Lagoon and Hollywood Studios was a package deal for the promoter, who has overseen the events for five successful years.
There is an apparent change of opinion for many formerly disgruntled attendees of Chisholm’s One Mighty Weekend following weeks of sometimes-bitter discussions regarding the changes. Chisholm revealed to JustCircuit that just over 100 ticket refund requests have been made out of thousands of tickets sold. Of those refund requests, 35 have now called the One Mighty Weekend offices to “cancel their cancellations” following apparent delays and unanswered questions about events set to compete with One Mighty Weekend. “Ticket sales have been rising steadily as we approach the weekend,” Chisholm stated.
For more information on enVibe Orlando events, CLICK HERE.
For more information on Let’s Go Play 2009 @ Typhoon Lagoon, CLICK HERE.
For more information on One Mighty Weekend events, CLICK HERE.
Stay tuned to JustCircuit.com for continuous updates on all events during the upcoming Gay Day weekend and events throughout the year. JustCircuit is your #1 source for everything Circuit!

May 14, 2009: "One Mighty Party to be held at the luxurious Gaylord Palms Resort..." JustCircuit writes:
Superstar Kelly Rowland of Destiny's Child to perform at One Mighty Party on June 6 during One Mighty Weekend; One Mighty Party to be held at the luxurious Gaylord Palms ResortMay 15, 2009: JustCircuit writes (in a story they would have to retract the next day; see May 16, 2009 entry):
05/14/2009 04:08 PM
Orlando, FL, May 14, 4:00PM update: One Mighty Weekend has announced that Kelly Rowland will be the main stage performer at One Mighty Party on June 6 at the Gaylord Palms Resort. The best-selling Grammy-winning solo artist is a founding member of Destiny's Child the top-selling female recording group of all-time.
Rowland proved a major contributing force to the group's record-breaking global popularity as they racked up sales of more than 100 million records worldwide while earning three Grammy Awards. She successfully debuted as a solo artist in 2002 with the album "Simply Deep," which sold over 2.5 million copies worldwide and included the hit single "Dilemma." The duet, with rapper Nelly, earned the Grammy for Best Rap/Sung Collaboration in 2002 and spent 10 weeks at No. 1 on Billboard's Hot 100. Her follow-up album, "Ms. Kelly," was released in 2007. Kelly is featured on the lead single of David Guetta's album, "When Love Takes Over". The track is currently headed to #1 on the Billboard Charts. She is currently a judge on Bravo’s “The Fashion Show." Stay tuned to JustCircuit.com, the world's most popular website for EVERYTHING Circuit!
For more info on Kelly Rowland, visit www.KellyRowlandOnline.com.
For more info on One Mighty Weekend or to purchase tickets, visit www.OneMightyWeekend.com.
JustCircuit is a proud sponsor of
One Mighty Weekend 2009 and Johnny Chisholm Circuit Events!
Orlando, FL, May 15 9:30PM: EXCLUSIVE: In a phone call from Steven Milo, it was confirmed to JustCircuit.com that all WorldVibe Orlando and enVibe Orlando events have now been officially CANCELLED for Memorial Weekend and during Gay Day Weekend in Orlando. One Mighty Weekend producer Johnny Chisholm is in talks with enVibe Orlando coproducers to assume control over venues left vacant by the cancellation. More news will be provided as soon as it becomes available. JustCircuit.com is your truly unbiased source for everything Circuit. Continue to check back with JustCircuit.com and OneMightyWeekend.com for continuous updates all weekend long.May 16, 2009: JustCircuit writes:
JOHNNY CHISHOLM PRESS RELEASE REGARDING ONE MIGHTY WEEKEND AFFILIATIONAlso on this day, one time JustCircuit editor and long time continuing JustCircuit contributor Mickey Weems wrote an article for Edge publications entitled "Disney Drama: The Inside Scoop." Edge was later compelled to retract this article after they discovered that Weems had neglected to reveal in the article certain facts that basic journalistic ethics mandated he disclose...to wit, the fact that he was, as noted above, a one time JustCircuit editor and long time continuing JustCircuit contributor. In other words, it was an article purporting to give readers "the low-down on all the players" in the Disney drama without Weems revealing to the audience that he himself was one of those players.
05/16/2009 11:37 AM
Pensacola, May 16: 11:30AM Update: The following three sentence press release was given by One Mighty Weekend with regards to current One Mighty Weekend schedules and promoter Johnny Chisholm's current affiliation with other Gay Day Weekend events:11:30 EDT
A Message from Johnny Chisholm
One Mighty Weekend events have not changed. Johnny Chisholm has no affiliation with any other events planned for Gay Days in Orlando. For ticket information to One Mighty Weekend events, please visit OneMightyWeekend.com.
The article is too lengthy to reprint in full in this timeline, but you can read it here (along with a preamble in which JustCircuit mischaracterizes the reason the article was pulled). In fact if you have not done so already I heartily recommend that you do; I would say it's a "must-read" as far as this timeline goes, keeping in mind of course that it's a JustCircuit authored article trying to pretend that it isn't.
Some of the more notable facts alleged in the article include "the last-minute demand for renegotiation from Disney" as the reason for the venue change, that relations between Chisholm and Disney were "amicable" and that Disney wanted him back in 2010, Tony Hayden's "Strong, But Questionable Accusations" of fraud against Johnny Chisholm, and that "too much bad publicity" could imperil the survival of the weekend.
Meanwhile, despite Chisholm/JustCircuit assurances that OMW refunds were being promptly given, actual customers continued to report a different reality:

May 17, 2009: JustCircuit's public relations tactics continue to generate observations such as these:

May 18, 2009: "Release the Rooms!" This was the headline blared across the top of Tony Hayden's The Circuit Dog website, after his hotel sources informed him the decision by Buena Vista Palace management to open up room sales during Gay Days weekend to the general public (previously, the entire hotel had been reserved as a "block" as the host hotel for One Mighty Weekend, but poor sales and cancellations left so many unoccupied rooms at this point that maintaining that status was no longer feasible).
False denials by JustCircuit on this issue were debunked by Facebookers, who actually called the hotel and verified that the rooms had indeed been released:

And JustCircuit's heavy-handed censorship policy on their own site continued to be remarked upon:

May 19, 2009: Stating in a video message on TheCircuitDog that "...freedom of speech isn't free, but comes with a $15,000 retainer..." Tony Hayden opts to settle the harassment suit Chisholm filed against him back on May 5. The verbal settlement agreement (in which Hayden agreed not to mention Chisholm on his site until March of 2010) would later be invalidated after revelations emerged in the Bardfield case that the lawsuit was nothing more that a fraudulent attempt to silence Hayden because he "publishes everything about the [DeForest] suit on his website." (See May 6, 2009 entry above).
Also today, JustCircuit writes:
Alyson in Will-Call LandAt least one commenter immediately found a key aspect of the above story to be "strange":
05/19/2009 10:35 PM
I bought a ticket the moment the tickets went on sale for this event. (I really did.) I paid $60.00 plus a $5.00 service charge for the ticket.
Just was wonderlanding....uh, wondering.....
1. Why the 5.00 service charge for a Will-Call ticket? (all tickets are will-call) I understand the service charge, as tickets have to be produced (or do they?) and the ticket company (DJ Brett Henrichsen is also spinning the event) has to get a fee for doing it. But wait....the fee is over 8% of the pre-sale price????
2. All tickets are will-call tickets. So....say there's a sell-out at this event. Let's say 2500 people. Everyone gets there around showtime. Will there be lines to the parking garage? Are you with me here? Maybe they'll provide little mushroom seats while you're in line. When Mark Baker had the lock out a few years ago, people couldn't get in the event. This gives it a whole different meaning...
3. This party has been compared to the One Mighty Weekend Colosseum party. Same day during the weekend. Same expectations to many. Will it really be the same production at $60.00? That's a pretty low price for a huge production. I mean, they already have a tough job to make a party like this for that price, but the expectations are so high, I don't pity the producers.
4. The talent. No comment.
5. I notice the ticket sales goes up at the door. I wonder how many "pre-sale" tickets will actually be sold in just a couple weeks of selling them. I bet a clear majority of these sales are at the door at that higher price. They compare the high prices of OMW to that $60.00 so we might want to consider that idea.
I don't see much talk anywhere about this "enVibe" event. I guess folks are confident of it. With only a few weeks of ticket sales, I'm glad I got my ticket right away, as people are probably scrambling to get them. I know I'm excited about having my own will-call confirmation form.

While critiques of JustCircuit's public relations skills continue to flow in to various online forums:

Also today, more on those elusive OMW refunds:

May 20, 2009: A Chapter 11 reorganization plan is proposed (and later approved) in the 800 Bourbon bankruptcy case (see June 11, 2008 entry). In order to get one of the major creditors of the plan on board, and convince him not to sue on his note, Baybridge Building Limited is immediately promised 15% (possibly raised to 25%?...see the Hayslette deposition here and excerpts below) of all future incoming OMW credit card revenues, paid weekly on Wednesday.
Note that earlier in the month Chisholm had told Bardfield and Carver that this sort of payment to them was no longer possible, as the credit card company was refusing to release incoming receipts prior to the event (see letters attached to the May 5, 2009 and May 6, 2009 entries above).

Meanwhile, JustCircuit's charm and tact continues to have a significant effect on hearts and minds:

...while still more complaints about refunds come rolling in:

May 21, 2009: More on those refunds:

May 22, 2009: Still more on those refunds:

...and then there's this rather shocking report, which took the refund scandal to a whole new level: Chisholm illegally "re-posted" a credit card charge after the charge had been removed. "Cancel the cancellation of my cancellation," I guess one could say:

May 23, 2009: Yet still more on...you guessed it...those refunds:

May 25, 2009: Refunds, etc etc...:

May 26, 2009: OK, for a change here's a day with something totally unrelated to refunds (except that it probably increased the desire for them). The first reports that DJ Offer Nissim will no longer be spinning for OMW begin to circulate. JustCircuit would spend the next three days on this Facebook forum thread desperately attempting to deny these reports, before finally confessing them to be accurate (see May 29, 2009 entry).
May 27, 2009: Chisholm life partner Cy Whitney and office assistant Angie Denmon are deposed in the DeForest case. Whitney is asked (among other things) whether he had some of the missing requested documents and he replied that yes, some were on his computer...while others he had until they were time-deleted from AOL. When asked why they were never produced, he replied that before this deposition, he never knew the lawsuit between DeForest and his significant other even existed:

As for Denmon, one of the many questions put to her involved whether Johnny Chisholm maintained a "paperless work environment" or not (see April 13, 2009 entry):

Also today, criticism of a certain unnamed circuit website:

And here's censorship taken to a whole new level...just don't let suspected contrary viewpoints onto your website in the first place. Then you don't even have to bother reading and censoring them...a great time saver, no doubt:

May 29, 2009: Based on the disappointing yield of the "seven pounds of documents" (see April 21, 2009 entry) combined with the deposition revelations two days earlier (see May 27, 2009 entry), DeForest makes a second motion to compel production of documents.
Also on this day, Chisholm's law firm motions to withdraw from representation in the case. This motion would be denied on June 6, 2009...but then, repeated and granted a month and a half later:

And JustCircuit finally admits to the the Offer Nissam cancellation (see May 26, 2009 entry):
OFFER NISSIM CANCELS ONE MIGHTY WEEKEND APPEARANCE; Letter to Johnny Chisholm revealing the decision reprinted in its entiretyAlthough, as it turns out, there would be more to this story (see Postscript).
05/29/2009 11:03 PM
STAR69 Records email to Chisholm to follow
Orlando, May 29: 10:00PM: It was confirmed this evening to JustCircuit.com that Offer Nissim, the popular Israeli performer and DJ, has delivered a message that he will not be spinning his scheduled two-hour opening set for Peter Rauhofer at One Mighty Party’s Magic Journey’s After Hours at Arabian Nights on June 7. Nissim has been scheduled for many months, and claims his busy schedule surrounding the event and a recent illness in his family made it impossible for him to appear. Rauhofer’s Star69 Records also serves as the exclusive booking agent for Nissim in the United States and has worked until the very final moments in attempts to convince Nissim to reconsider his decision. A statement from One Mighty Weekend is expected on Saturday.
One Mighty Weekend issued an email blast two days ago, which raised eyebrows over the omission of Offer Nissim on the Magic Journeys lineup, causing many to speculate whether he were confirmed for the event or perhaps already cancelled. Other ads showed Offer Nissim listed on the ad, furthering the question of his desire to appear. JustCircuit.com’s conversation with Star69 Record’s Angelo Russo revealed tonight that Nissim had officially cancelled and would not be entering the United States. Explanations given by Russo suggested Nissim’s extremely tight international tour schedule surrounding this year’s One Mighty Weekend as well as an undisclosed illness of a very close family member had complicated his travel. Nissim is currently in Sao Paolo and is expected to return to Israel immediately afterwards. This afternoon it was learned that intense discussions between Star69 staff and Nissim attempted to convince Nissim to honor his contractual obligations and reconsider his performance at the event. One Mighty Weekend and Star69 Records have refused to offer any specific details about the cancellation this evening yet it appears that all contracts were signed and deposits were cashed, including other post-contract monetary demands made in recent days and eventually agreed upon by Chisholm in an effort to keep Nissim in the Magic Journey’s lineup. Despite the signed and completed agreement, a cleared deposit check and airline accommodations, which were all provided as per contractual obligation, the cancellation became a confirmed reality this afternoon.
Producer Johnny Chisholm was reached late Friday evening in his Pensacola home where he offered his best wishes to Offer Nissim and his family during their time of crisis and stated that he hoped to work with Offer in the very near future. "We are extremely proud and honored to have Peter Rauhofer agree to spin the entire evening under these circutstances and we are certain you will have an amazing time," stated Chisholm.
Star69’s letter to One Mighty Weekend producer Johnny Chisholm is reproduced in its entirety below. Rauhofer will spin the entire evening, which begins at 1:00AM June 8 and goes into the mid morning. The event has never before featured Offer Nissim and Peter Rauhofer and had been expected to be a sell-out event. All questions regarding the failed appearance by Offer Nissim should be directed to Star69 Records in New York. JustCircuit will continue to bring you the latest developments and information on this development as they become available throughout the weekend.
Hi Johnny,
I just finished speaking with Offer Nissim's manager and Offer's final decision, after much consideration, is that, unfortunately, he will not be able to play at Gay Disney (Gay Day Weekend) this year.
Although you did everything you could to accommodate him, the fact is that Offer has a family emergency and is committed to being back in Tel Aviv the same weekend as the Disney event.
The deposit you sent us for Offer will be applied to Peter Rauhofer's fee.
On behalf of Offer Nissim, I apologize to any fans who may be disappointed but I want to reassure everyone that Peter is looking forward to playing the whole night in Offer's absence and in the end it will be a great event and a night to remember.
May 31, 2009: Mickey Weems publishes (on JustCircuit this time) a "Part II" (of 2) to his "Disney Drama" series. As in Part I (see May 16, 2009 entry) Weems intrepidly sought out "cabals and conspiracies" amongst the various players, all the while mananging to overlook the one very real conspiracy that existed this whole time, right under his very nose.
But credit where credit is due...the last sentence of his new article:
"Stay tuned. The drama is far from over."...would, only 48 hours later, prove to be devastatingly accurate.
June 1, 2009: Bardfield and Carver make one final attempt to recover their stolen money from Chisholm without litigation:

They filed their lawsuit later in the day.
Postscript: And that brings us to June 2, 2009...the point where, intrigued by the post I read below, I began to search for, read and upload the documents from the just filed Bardfield case online onto the Gay Days at Disney Facebook group:

So, we've now come full circle between this timeline and the first post of this blog, so simply go there to follow what happened next. Although, there were a few events of a non-legal nature that occurred just after June 2 which I never wrote about back then, yet nonetheless deserve mention.
First of all, literally within minutes of my posting of the Bardfield documents onto that Facebook group, JustCircuit began frantically deleting almost every comment they made on the discussion pages of that group, in every single topic. "Like cockroaches when you shine a flashlight on them..." is how one observer described their instinctive reaction to seeing the case made public.
And shortly thereafter, the entire JustCircuit website was taken offline. It remained offline for several days.
JustCircuit's reaction was atypical, however. Other reactions to the astounding news that Chisholm had essentially stolen $200,000 to put on a circuit party were mostly of this nature:

Another interesting revelation that occurred on June 2 was the real reason for the Offer Nissim cancellation. Dissatisfied with the "family emergency" cover story (see May 29, 2009 entry), a disgruntled Offer fan wrote Offer's manager directly, and got the following reply:

As for OMW, things continued to go downhill, and on June 3 the Saturday night "One Mighty Party" event was booted from the Gaylord Palms Hotel. Needless to say, reactions to this latest development were less than favorable:

I guess I'll end this timeline on a positive note. One good thing that happened just after June 2 concerned refunds. After the Bardfield TRO was approved, OMW footdragging on those refunds vanished immediately, as people reported being able to obtain refunds at the host hotel lobby quickly and efficiently:

And I guess that's a wrap on this timeline. It's taken me literally months to compile it, but I think the effort was worthwhile. I hope newcomers to this story found it to be helpful in gaining an understanding of what was indeed a long and sometimes complex series of events. And I suspect that you not-so-newcomers may find it useful too. Perhaps seeing all the facts and documents laid out in chronological fashion may lead you to additional insights into this tragedy. That certainly has been the case for me.
Jim Winsor
April 19, 2010
Thank you for compiling this timeline.
ReplyDeleteHowever, it's in poor taste to remind people of what took place last year just 30 days before an attempt to rescue the 2010 Gay Days Weekend. Lets leave it in the past and hope for a revival.
Well, my philosophy has always been that those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it. In any case, under completely new direction I'm sure the coming weekend will bounce back quite nicely.
ReplyDeleteSort of tells the story of what a bunch of turds the guys at justcircuit.com are. Seems like this year they have STFU a little more than last.
ReplyDeleteGood Riddance.
"Seems like this year they have STFU a little more than last."
ReplyDeleteThey have a right to remain silent. Anything they say at this point can and will be used against them.
So what is this One Mighty Reunion at LBV? Is that a fraud too?
ReplyDeleteOne Might Reunion you can find out about here. Although the story needs to be updated, as sources tell me the Buena Vista Palace pulled the plug on it because room bookings for the event were virtually non-existant. Which is hardly surprising given the events of last year, I would say.
ReplyDeleteThus I wouldn't call it a fraud, so much as an exercise in delusional wishful thinking.
There were some court developments yesterday that I tacked onto as Addendum to earlier posts. I thought I'd mention them here in this comment thread, as this very long post has knocked those posts off the front page of this blog. See:
...for those updates, but long story short: The district court judge signed off on the two recent magistrate decisions in favor of the plaintiffs in the Bardfield case, thus making them official.
Wow. Just wow.
ReplyDeleteI came to this blog and this "timeline" as you call it from the link on the "publishers perspective" page of the new online version of Noize magazine, talking about the collapse of OMW due to the fraud of Johnny Chisholm and his "media partners." I had heard bits and pieces of this story from friends who got ripped off by Chisholm and just circuit last year, but had never gotten the full story.
Like I said: wow. I have to say this is one of the finest pieces of investigative journalism I have ever read. once I started reading this, I could not stop. This should be mandatory reading for every promoter and party boy in the circuit
world. The evidence here is overwhelming, I'm amazed chisholm, Shane Rogers, et all, are not currently wearing orange jump suits right now.
THANK YOU for this!! Keep up the GREAT work, I cannot wait to see how this story finishes!
You're welcome, and thanks for the kind words.
ReplyDeleteAlthough, I must say I think the legal documents, letters, emails, posts, images, etc., deserve more credit for telling the story than I do. If you notice, I don't do a whole lot here except put everything in chronological order, and introduce them ("Here is this filing...").
This was intentional on my part. All the posted evidence here was (as you point out) so overwhelming, that I felt further embellishment was unneccessary.
Once again, thanks!
Can't wait to see how those that are "destroying the circuit" respond to this. Denial? Fabricated stories? Pointing fingers? Lies? Probably all of the above.
ReplyDeleteThere's another court update today, posted as an Addedum to the post below:
And it's an interesting one. The magistrate reached her decision (finally) on those default motions, denying on largely technical grounds the one in the Bardfield case, while partly approving the one in the DeForest case.
These magistrate recommendations, along with any objections by the parties, get sent up to the district court judge for a final decision in 14 days.
FYI - people that I know that have been following your coverage think that you have not been updating. I think because the updates are buried in the comments.
ReplyDeleteAny way to get a summary of changes at the top?
Yeah you're right. And then they are elaborated on in addendum attached to relevant posts below this one.
ReplyDeleteNormally this wouldn't be that much an issue, if this particular Timeline post sitting on top wasn't so large.
Let me mull the problem a bit, try and come up with the best solution here...
Any solution? I still think Johnny's company being recommended for default on fraud charges and a 150,000 award recommendation is worth more than an addendum.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I just mentioned the Addendum in the Addendum to the topmost "Mail Returned" post; hopefully that will help.
ReplyDeleteYou can find Watermark's update to the OMW story here: http://www.watermarkonline.com/index.php/News/orlando-lgbt-news/4141-Reunion-events-pulled-from-Gay-Days-weekend-line-.html