What he didn't tell them, obviously, was that he and his fellow magazine owners were part of a big happy group of "FRIENDS in dispute with FRIENDS" and that one of these friends, Ray DeForest, was suing Johnny Chisholm for fraud.
Ah, with friends like these....]
You wrote on July 1, 2009 at 4:53pm: ...I will leave you all with what be today's most interesting new revelation in the matter...and that being, JustCircuit's newly revealed role in bringing about the current scandal.---
[Actual documents replacing Facebook photo links]:
And Mr. Thomas Sicker's facebook profile can be found here.
I'll have more to say, and more court case news to report, when I return. In the meantime, I'm sure this will tide you all over until then...
You wrote on July 2, 2009 at 3:50am: Thanks to some anonymous tips, I have some more information on this mysterious Thomas Anthony Sickler, and his equally mysterious portfolio of "Corporate Development" for JustCircuit.mag.---
It seems that "corporate development" in JustCircuitSpeak translates to "owner." According to Florida LLC records:
...Thomas A. Sickler is listed as the "MGRM" (Managing Member) of Just Circuit Magazine, with Shane and Victor being listed in a subordinate position as mere "MGRs" (Managers).
To understand the difference in Florida LLC law between MGRMs and MGRs, see this link here.
As you can see, the "Managing Member" is an owner and controller. "Managers" are defined as being non-owner employees.
[Addendum: FWIW, JustCircuit Magazine modified their credits page since that July 1 posting; their latest issue now dubs Shane Rogers, Victor Mauro and Thomas Sickler each as "Owner."]:

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