The latest batch of Orders in the DeForest case were mailed to that office address, but were sent back. The court clerk filed a copy of the envelope yesterday, labelling it "Mail Returned as Undeliverable":

And it would appear that Chisholm left no forwarding address.
Addendum 5/15/10: And court documents sent to Chisholm's office in the Bardfield case were returned by the Post Office as well:

It would appear the bird has flown the coop, so to speak.
Also, if you've missed them there have been some important updates to earlier posts below...just scroll down to the latest addendum:
1) A split decision from the magistrate on whether to default Chisholm in the civil cases here; her recommendations get sent up to the district judge on the 18th.
2) One current Chisholm Chapter 11 bankruptcy was just saved from the brink, while another has begun circling the drain, here.